
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project Title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
my AN298 project Data Management Plan for masters & undergraduate students London School of Economics and Political Science Isabella Shakil-Woodford (new window) Opens in new window
Race, Ethnicity and Class in Early Warning Systems Data Management Plan for masters & undergraduate students London School of Economics and Political Science Sophie Amos (new window) Opens in new window
Personal development for life beyond LSE Data Management Plan for masters & undergraduate students London School of Economics and Political Science Isabella Parker (new window) Opens in new window
Political Language, Restriction Compliance, and COVID-19 Data Management Plan for masters & undergraduate students London School of Economics and Political Science Max Dugan-Knight (new window) Opens in new window
“How was tactical knowledge and organising experience passed down from participants in the 2010-11 UK student fees protests to subsequent social movements in Britain?” Data Management Plan for masters & undergraduate students London School of Economics and Political Science Ewan Forrest (new window) Opens in new window
Experimental evidence on the role of framing, difficulty and domain-similarity in shaping behavioral spillovers Data Management plan for PhD Researchers London School of Economics and Political Science Julien Picard (new window) Opens in new window
American's Preferences for Degrowth Policies Data Management plan for PhD Researchers London School of Economics and Political Science Dallas O'Dell (new window) Opens in new window
Educators and Students in Entrepreneurship Education Data Management Plan NWO (September 2020) Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) INGRID WAKKEE (new window) Opens in new window
Labour Integration of Somali Women in Western Europe, 1980-2022 Data Management Plan NWO (September 2020) Utrecht University Yowali Kabamba (new window) Opens in new window
Vector valued Orthogonal Polynomials and Multiplicity Free Induction: Deformations and Quantizations Data Management Plan NWO (September 2020) Radboud University Erik Koelink (new window) Opens in new window